I was over at
Judy's and she's on a book making binge. Well, that inspired me. This was a lot of fun and a nice change of pace.
started out with wallpaper scraps and paper bags |
the inside covers |
i love the roughness of the page edges |
vintage stuff from my friend Sandy and a medal |
my first attempt with this stitch |
2011 was quite the year. A lot happened. 2012 looks to be every bit as fun filled and change-able. I guess the important point to remain open and flexible.
I applied to a couple of art shows for 2012 and should soon learn whether I've been accepted or not. My work has really changed and evolved over the past couple of years. I hope I'm ready for the BIG art world of selling. I'd sure like to. Only that jury and those customers will tell the tale. If I'm not ready, then I'm not ready. We'll see. Won't stop me from painting and challenging myself.
Let me know how you are!!!!!