Thursday, March 05, 2009

Something New ~ Mixed Media

Mixed Media On Wood 10 x 11
click on image to enlarge

This piece is wonderful and I've had a tough time
getting a photo that really shows the wonderful

I don't know for sure if this piece is really
complete yet. Guess I'll sit with it for
a few days and see what percolates.

Spring seems early here in New Mexico
this year.

The birds are everywhere and the
garden is full of green sprouting
announcements of days to come.

Watching the seasons pass by my
stuido window is such an inspiration.

I hope all is well in your world.


Anonymous said...

Lovely, Spring inspired painting. I think Spring is just pretending here in New Mexico...

Anonymous said...

I found a sign of Spring in my neighbor's yard, little white Snow Drops about to open. Yippee!