Friday, June 20, 2008


Acrylic glaze on 4 x 6 postcard stock
Paula - 2008

OK folks, I've looked at Kim's work over at
Creating Space
a million times.
Read her posts about
layer upon layer
of glaze.

Why I didn't act sooner is a mystery to me.

Why do you want something,
have all the resources to make it happen
and still not act?

My husband once said
"well I can understand why you
might think you aren't good enough to have that"
(he really knows how to push the buttons).

I've always believed that we are our own worst enemy
so last night I decided to get the heck out of my own way
and ...............
crack open the bottle of glaze and have a go at it.

What fun !

I didn't get too wild, but as least I got started.
This is going to be a fun weekend.
I can just feel it !!!!!!!!!!!!

What about you?
Are you good enough?
Will you satisfy some
inner urge you've
been resisting for
some unknown reason?

Go for it !


Linda said...

That does look like fun and I like the result. Your husband sounds like a nice guy.

sukipoet said...

I love this green picture of leaves. Sometimes I do fall into "old" thinking re: that I am not good enough. But then, I forget it as it is just words in my head. As Byron Katie says, "Do you know that to be true?" And also, "Who would you be without that thought."
Have a creative and fun weekend.

Andrea and Kim said...

Hey! I am glad you are glazing and having fun doing it (also, thanks for the link). This green is really great and the leaves are truly wonderful. I love the small swirls, too...that really adds the right touch.

Ohhh also know how to touch on a nerve! Like Suki, I also fall into that whole bit of not being good enough. is old tapes, I know. Sometimes, though, I just want to be good enough to someone else, do you ever feel that way? But then I come here and talk with all the wonderful women I have found in blog land and my world and head has returned to being upright again!

I love Suki's quotes of Katie....especially the one..."Who would you be without that thought?" I think I am going to have to hang that one around my house!

Thank you so much, Paula for these thought provoking posts...they not only make me really consider, but they also just make my day brighter. And I feel in such great company with your readers :)

Have a Beautiful Weekend!

Anonymous said...

I have for years wanted to work in clay, but thought I needed a kiln and a wheel. Finally at 52 I decided I could wait no longer and found a woman here who rents out her kiln and sells clay and tools. I just went for it and I am so glad I have started! What fun. Glad you are having fun with your glazes too! Great green.

San said...

Paula, I'm glad to see you're going glazy! Love your enthusiasm. I came over to see what you're up to, also to snag your address for my blogroll.

Unknown said...

Great work Paula! Thanks for the inspiring words too. Love, AKR.

Anonymous said...

A glaze craze! I like the way the image changes for me... first I see trees, then I see leaves.